HRC is among the first, if not the first, organization in Pakistan introducing the cutting-edge Raspberry Pi (RPi) to students in Quetta and Islamabad under the ‘Network in a Shoe box’ lecture series. In 2019, HRC provided several Raspberry Pi’s to a group of students for their senior project in Computer Science at Comsats University Islamabad. It was the first time Raspberry Pi was used in any project at Comsats. HRC believes the cost-effective cutting-edge Raspberry Pi holds a lot of promise, possibly revolutionizing education as know it.
Currently there are no official Raspberry Pi re-sellers in Pakistan. There are only a handful of RPi devices available in hobbyist shops. In addition, while industry support of the product is increasing orders of magnitude, the product remains in the realm of ‘hobbyist’ and ‘techies.’ There are certain stability issues –finicky power requirements– with the product making it somewhat challenging to operate.
Currently HRC IT team is experimenting with Raspberry Pi technology. Our future interest is (a) introduce short courses on use of Raspberry Pi (b) extend our ‘network in a shoe box’ concept in leveraging the platform for creating and teaching real functional networks.
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